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Breeders of Tomorrow

Application Rules

High school graduates must be a current member of the WTLA or their parent/guardian must be a member in good standing for their junior and senior year. Applicants must show at at least one WTLA show per year their junior and senior year.

All scholarship applications must be submitted by January 31st of each school year.

Funding will be from the WTLA General Fund.

A committee will be established and consist of not less than three members and not more than five members. A minimum of one WTLA Board member will be on the committee. The committee will be appointed annually before January 1 by the WTLA Board of Directors. The WTLA treasurer will keep a separate recording of the monies dedicated to the WTLA Youth Scholarship Fund. The WTLA Youth Scholarship Fund monies will be kept in and disbursed from the General Fund unless the WTLA Board of Directors directs the treasurer otherwise.

The scholarship should be inclusive to all young people worthy of a scholarship. There will be one type of scholarship that youth may apply for if they meet the criteria set forth and outlined below. The committee has the right to reject any scholarship application that is not properly completed or does not meet the criteria and/or is submitted with an improper essay. The scholarship may be used at any accredited university, college or trade school.

The applicant must complete and return the application form and any associated documents by January 31st of the applicant's senior year of high school. In addition to the application form, the applicant must complete a 400 word essay on the topic chosen by the scholarship committee for that year.

The maximum value of any one scholarship will not exceed One Thousand Dollars ($1000.00 USD). The value of the scholarship may be adjusted to a lesser amount if the committee deems it necessary, but all scholarships will be of equal value. As education costs continue to rise and if the fund balance grows, the dollar amount of the scholarship may be increased on basis by a majority vote of the WTLA Board of Directors, but in no event will the change be temporary.

The announcements of the WTLA scholarship recipients are to be made at the San Angelo Stock Show in February. 

Each recipient will be required to send a letter of thank you to the WTLA general members (In care of the current President) within 45 days of notification of the scholarship award. The recipient must also notify the committee of the name and contact information of the school that they will be attending including necessary information for the WTLA to send the funds to the recipient's school of choice. The scholarship monies will be sent directly to the recipient's school and applied to the recipient's account at the school. The funds are to be paid to the school during the current year. If the need to delay payment arises, the recipient must receive approval from the scholarship committee to delay payment in order not to forfeit the scholarship award, but in no instance, will a scholarship funding payment be delayed longer than one (1) year from the award notification date. If scholarship monies have been issued to a school as directed by a scholarship recipient and the recipient does not attend the school, it is expected that the scholarship monies will be returned to the WTLA scholarship fund.

Any additions, deletions and changes must have the approval of a majority of the WTLA Board of Directors as provided in the WTLA bylaws.

Two college graduates in gowns and caps with the American flag.jpg
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